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Citeert de Koran van Apocriefen zoals de christenen claimen deel 3?

We zullen het aantal voorbeelden uit de Nieuwe Testament die uit joodse tradities citeren of uit apocriefen uitbreiden.

Het eerste voorbeeld komt uit de brieven van Paul, 1 corinthians 10;4. Hierin staat; “The spiritual rock that followed them”.

Matthew poole commentary
yet we no where read in the history of the Jewish journeyings to Canaan, that the rock followed them. But this is not the only thing that we read in the New Testament relating to the history of the Old Testament, with some circumstances which we do not find recorded there; it is enough that it is plainly asserted here, and it must be presumed, or how can we imagine that the Israelites were

Een tweede voorbeeld is; ⁩ hebrews 12:21

Zo schikbarend was de verschijning dat mozes uitriep; ik sidder van angst!

Barnes notes; And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said … – This is not recorded in the account of the giving of the Law in Exodus, and it has been made a question on what authority the apostle made this declaration respecting Moses

Een derde voorbeeld is lucas 11:49;

“Because of this, God in his wisdom said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and others they will persecute.’

Barnes Notes biblehub; The wisdom of God – By the “wisdom of God,” here, is undoubtedly meant the Saviour himself. What he immediately says is not written in the Old Testament.