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Textuele varianten in het Nieuwe Testament

Prof.Streeter schrijft het volgende in zijn werk ’the four gospels’ onder het hoofdstuk; ‘Losses and gains of the critical text’.

It is impossible for the preachter to escape the issues of New Testament textual criticism;

‘In Lucas 2;14 staat er; “men of goodwill” of “goodwill along men”?

In Matteus 6;13, shall he use the Doxology as a part of the text? In Matteus 6;4 and 6 shall he use the words ‘openly’ or not?

In John 7;8 did Jezus say; “I go not up” or ‘I go not yet up’?

In John 9;4 shall we read; “We must work the works of him who sent me”, “We Must work the works of him that sent us”, or “I must work the works of him that sent me”?

In john 7;53-8;11 what shall we do about the story of the woman taken in adultery?

Did Mark end his gospel at 16;8 or not?

In Romans 5;1, did Paul write; “We have peace, let us make peace”, or “let us keep on having peace”?

In Timothy 3;16. did Paul write; “God manifest in the flesh”, “Which was manifest in the flesh”, or “Who was manifest in the flesh”?

Did Paul leave out “At Ephesus” in Ephesians 1;1?

In John 1;18, did John write “Only begotten Son”, or, “Only begotten God”?

Ustaat el Azaami geeft hierbij het volgende aan; “Among the most serious examples of this is
,Manuscript V75 Bodmer Papyrus xrv-xvi, where john 1:18 can be read as
“The only one God”, or “God the only begotten”. There is clearly a profound
difference in the two choices; whilst the latter implies the existence of a Trinity, nothing in the former supports any such notion. (1)





(1) Ustaat Al Azaami, the history of the Quranic text, 287